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Mostafa Optometry Professional Corporation
Dr. Abdel-Karim Mostafa

Comprehensive eye examination
A complete eye examination may include, but is not limited to, individual patient signs and symptoms, along with different medical histories and a group of tests designed to evaluate your vision and check for eye diseases. We may use a variety of instruments, shine bright lights directly at your eyes and request that you look through an array of lenses. Each test during an eye exam evaluates a different aspect of your vision or eye health. Click here for more information
Vision screening and refraction
An intial examination can indicate the presence of a vision problem or a potential vision problem and determine your need for prescription glasses, contact lenses, etc. Click here for more information
Management and Co-managemnt of eye diseases:
We asses the health of your eyes for early detection of eye diseases e.g. cataract, Glaucoma, strabismus, contact lens complications, dry eye, lid inflammation, infectious diseases of the eye, iritis and uveitis, age-related macular degeneration, retinal break and detachment, and flying black spots, etc. A patient may need further investigation to confirm the clinical findings and verify the stage of the disease. Once the diagnosis has been established we prescribe the suitable medication for treatment. In some cases, we may need to refer the patient to a specialist for further investigation and managment, especially if the patient needs surgery like cataract surgary, laser treatment, etc. Our extensive network of specialists of different subspecialities makes it easy to set up an appointment for our patients, follow up with them and provide post operative care. Click here for more information
Co-managament of eye complications due to systemic diseases
As we are often concerned about the health of our patients' eyes , our policy is to work with other health care specialists and your family physician to detect and treat some eye complications of certain diseases and their medication. The systemic diseases most commonly affect the eye are; diabetes millitus (imbalance of blood sugar), hypertension ( high blood pressure), Graves' disease ( over functioning thyroid gland), Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) , rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, sarcoidosis, systemic lupus, Crohn's disease ...etc. On the other hand, different medications can result in different visual side effects – some more serious than others. It all depends on your existing eye health, the type of medication you use and the duration of use. That is why we are keen to know all medication our patient is receiving and monitor the eye functions for early detection of drug side effect and over dosage.Click here for more information
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